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Advanced Soul Healing



Navah with 3rd Temple background

How to deal with subconscious contracts

Subconscious contracts: what they are and how to get rid of them


In my healing practice I have often seen how ‘subconscious contracts’, even when made in a former incarnation, can have a big impact on a person’s life. And how much can suddenly change for the good, once we are able to get rid of these contracts. The strongest example I ever saw of this was when a woman came to me because she wanted to get married but that just kept not happening. We only needed one session to find out that she had a former-life contract with her then-husband that she would never marry anyone else than him, ever. After getting rid of this contract, within a few months she met the right man and got married.

There is a very simple visualization that helps for this and that I will present in this article.


What is a subconscious contract?

This is an agreement that we make with someone else or with ourselves (or even with G*d), without being conscious of it.

This often has unwanted consequences, but it can also be a beautiful and noble thing to do.

A few examples:

* a child agrees with her mother on a subconscious level that she will take over the emotions of the mother that the mother is not able to handle herself in exchange for a (false) feeling of safety.

* a child whose parents were fighting a lot and then get divorced, made a subconscious decision (contract with himself) that he will never get married.

* a man and a woman who love each other very much, make a subconscious contract that they will never marry anyone else, not even in a next incarnation.

* a child allows subconsciously that the father criticizes him so much that he feels worthless.

* a person who was denigrated by a teacher, decides subconsciously to never ever do that to a child himself once she has grown up.


Why do we make subconscious contracts?

As you can see in the examples, there can be many kinds of contracts, and many reasons why we make them. The most common reason seems to be: to give oneself a (false) feeling of safety. Other reasons I have seen a lot are:

* one has done something in a former life that was not such a good thing so subconsciously there is a feeling that one is worthless and not deserving to be happy or to become powerful.

* one was forced by someone else who wants to do harm to a person.

* because of a value-system that forbids certain feelings and behaviors.

* in exchange for something like honor or self-worth.


An important universal rule I have learned about these contracts is:

A subconscious contract, made with someone else, that is harmful for one of the parties, is spiritually never valid and can always one-sidedly be revoked by the party that it is harmful for. This is true even if part of the contract was that it couldn’t be revoked: this too is not spiritually valid.


Sometimes we have the tendency after getting rid of a contract, to subconsciously make it again. Then it is very important to find out what is the subconsciously perceived advantage of this contract for you, and work on finding ways to get what you need in a more healthy and happy way.


Visualization for getting rid of subconscious contracts

Imagine that you can see the contract written on a paper. You don’t need to be able to read it or even to know the exact wording of the contract. Sometimes you may even see a whole pile of related contracts.

1) Imagine that you take in your hand a big stamp saying (for example) ‘cancelled’ and stamp the contract with it. You can use whatever term feels applicable to you, maybe: ‘outdated’, ‘invalid’, ‘nullified’, etc. It may help to use your own mother-tongue for these stamps. And you can use more than one stamp and stamp the contract as many times as you feel necessary. Also, you can stamp a whole pile of contracts at once by imagining that the stamp goes right through all of them.

2) Now imagine tearing the stamped contract(s) into little pieces. For a large pile, you can for example also use a shredder-machine.

3) Then imagine a nice, strong, (if necessary: big) fire and throw all the pieces into the fire and watch it burn until they all have been totally burnt.


Sometimes it is necessary to repeat this process the next day or few days for it to work through completely.

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