Advanced Soul Healing
What makes a healing kosher?
An important question I get from some Jewish people who are interested in getting a healing is: “are your healings kosher?” So I have thought about this and talked about this with a few Rabbi’s, Rebbetzin’s and Kabbalists. Here are the ideas that came up:
The first important aspect is the intention of the healer. That needs to be ‘pure’, which means – in my eyes – that the healer wants to serve the highest good of the client and to serve Hashem through the healings, not their ego or any other person or non-physical being.
Another important aspect is: who are the non-physical ‘helpers’ of the healer? There are quite a lot of ‘beings’ in the non-physical worlds that want to come in to help. Some pretend to be helpers but have their own agenda. Others really have good intentions. Also, some are coming by themselves, and others are sent by Hashem or attracted by the higher Soul of the healer or the client. But even the ones with good intentions, can be from all kinds of spiritual levels. So, it depends a lot on how ‘high’ a healer is ‘tuning in’, what kind of helpers are attracted. It also makes a difference who the healer is consciously, verbally, inviting in and what (s)he is asking from Hashem.
I myself always start a healing with setting a clear intention. First of all, I state that I want to serve Hashem through this healing. Then I connect with the Jewish Tsadikim, “as far as this is fitting”, meaning that only the Tsadikim come in that normally come to help me, and the ones that are sent or attracted by our higher Souls and Hashem because they can specially help for this particular healing.
In the past, before I became Jewish, I connected with other helpers, like ‘Ascended Masters’ from many religions and Archangels. At some point, not long before I became Jewish, these ‘Ascended Masters’ sort of ’merged into one’: Hashem and I started ‘tuning in’ only with Hashem directly. Since then I started perceiving Tsadikim now and then, who came to help. I strongly believe that it is important for Jewish clients that their healer tunes in with Hashem directly and not with ‘Ascended Masters’ or any other helpers from non-Jewish religions. Hashem will help the healer to connect with the right Tsadikim and angels. So, another part of my ‘Intention’ at the start says: “May I ask You, Hashem, to be present with us, here, to protect us, and to work through me and to guide this healing. May in this healing only Your will be done, only Your Light, love and healing and whatever You want to give, come in.”
The last important aspect I perceive is: purity of the healing energy that comes through. This energy must flow from Hashem as directly as possible to and through the healer. So, the healer should be a ‘pure’ as possible energetically. And it should not be ‘distorted’ by flowing through any constructed energy fields or symbols. Like for example in Reiki: a person gets ‘initialized’ into Reiki by getting a ‘healing symbol’ engraved in his or her energy field that is intended to help the healing. But such a thing is not ‘kosher’. It is completely unnecessary for someone who tunes in with Hashem directly and only ‘distorts’ the pure energy that comes though directly and even connects the healer with non-physical beings and energy fields that are not of a high enough vibration to be of the right purity to be called ‘kosher’.
So, if a Jewish healer goes to a healing course, (s)he should beware of what kind of ‘initiations’ are being done there and be very clear about not allowing anything of that kind that is not directly connecting a person with Hashem.
(By the way, if someone wants to get rid of such ‘energy stamps’ in their field, I can help to remove them.)
Final conclusion: yes, my healings are kosher. And they are recommended by a lot of (ex-) clients, one of whom is a well-known Kabbalistic Rabbi: Moshe Schatz. You can find their testimonials on my website: